Ethel May, Agnes, Claudine Rudy

My mother has a bit of mystery in her life, and in her origins.

We all knew my mother as Claudine Rudy Peterson, born on 22 May 1918 in Indiana. She died 18 Mar 1993, at her home in Fullerton, California.

My cousin Jay recalls teasing Claudine about really having the name Agnes. Jay used to tease her and call her “Aunt Agnes” and she would bristle at that, only half kidding. Usually, he called her “Aunt C”.

When I began my research into the family history, I joined What a great resource! I use it for research, connecting with others who are looking into the same names, and building my (several) family trees. I’ve been a member for 2 years now. Some of the user interface is clunky, and it can be inconsistent, but for the most part it sure does beat going in person to parishes, government record offices and official census repositories.

My mother was known as Claudine, named for her father Claude Rudy. Her mother was Cecile Beatrice Brunk, who was always called “CEE-sill”.

I made my first search on Ancestry, using these details. The only result was for someone called Ethel May Rudy. Born 22 May 1918 in Jackson Township, Howard County, Indiana. Mother Cecile Brunk. Father Charles Rudy. Charles? That could well be a typo. Charles and Claude aren’t that far apart. There was no other result.

My next stop was Claudine Rudy, born 1918, Indiana USA. No result.

I tried Agnes, all other details the same. No result.

On a whim, I tried Ethel May Rudy, all other details the same. Result! Ethel May Rudy born 2 May 1918. Mother Cecile Brunk. Father “Charles or Claude Rudy”.

Well, well, well.

I went back to check the census records for 1920 and 1930.

In 1920, I found Claude and Cecile, along with their eldest daughter, Norma, age 5. Then there is a daughter called Agnes, age 3. Since this census date was 1 Jan 1920, my mother would have been still 1 year old, not turning 2 for 4 more months. There’s no child of that age. These are the only children listed.

In 1930 (1 Apr 1930), I find Claude and Cecile again, with Norma age 15, Claudine age 11, Vivian age 2 years 8 months.All correct ages. No Agnes.

So, I’m more confused than ever.

Who was Agnes? Where was Claudine on the 1920 census? Where is Ethel May, who has the same birth date as Claudine, in all this?

I haven’t solved it yet. I’ve even consulted with a professional genealogist, who suggested I apply for her original Social Security Administration application, which is supposed to have her birth name. I’m waiting for that to arrive.

I’ll let you know what I find out.