7 ways to feel happier at the end of the day

  1. Make a plan for your day. List the things you must do. Keep the list short, so you can do them.
  2. Do the most important thing first. That way, if you get interrupted later, you’ll already have done something worthwhile. Don’t just do the easy thing first.
  3. Complete three things each day, for sure. Fewer than three doesn’t offer enough opportunities for feeling great about accomplishments. Aiming for more just adds stress to your life.
  4. Keep your commitments. If you can’t keep them, then re-negotiate and make a new commitment. Include commitments you make to yourself as well as those you make to others.
  5. Take some exercise. If you don’t do any now, add some. If you do some already, then good for you!
  6. Do the washing up before you go to bed. (This could be one of the three things you complete.) FlyLady also suggests you should Shine Your Sink.
  7. When you get into bed, think of three things that you’re grateful for. Feel free to think of more!

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