How long can you put something off before your conscience bothers you?
For me, it seems to be about 3 or 4 months. Yes, I have excuses, but if you judge me by my results, I’ve fallen a bit behind in my commitments.
The great clear out, my Scotland FreeCen tasks, my blog — all last got action from me in about October.
The very fact that I have signed on today to post something lends credence to my stated intention to do better.
I re-read my post about Eat That Frog (overcoming procrastination tendencies) and here I am. (Thank you, thank you.)
I gave away two bags of clothes to charity this month, and I have some 1871 Scotland census forms to check.
How about you? Is there anything important you’ve been putting off?
How is the procrastination coming along?
I’m going for champion of the Vale on procrastination. In that respect, it’s going very well. (Thanks for asking!)