Procrastination Champion!!

How long can you put something off before your conscience bothers you?

For me, it seems to be about 3 or 4 months. Yes, I have excuses, but if you judge me by my results, I’ve fallen a bit behind in my commitments.

The great clear out, my Scotland FreeCen tasks, my blog — all last got action from me in about October.

The very fact that I have signed on today to post something lends credence to my stated intention to do better.

I re-read my post about Eat That Frog (overcoming procrastination tendencies) and here I am. (Thank you, thank you.)

I gave away two bags of clothes to charity this month, and I have some 1871 Scotland census forms to check.

How about you? Is there anything important you’ve been putting off?



2 thoughts on “Procrastination Champion!!”

  1. I’m going for champion of the Vale on procrastination. In that respect, it’s going very well. (Thanks for asking!)

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