List of feeling words

Some people have told me it’s hard to find the word that expresses how they feel. That’s understandable, so I created a list. It’s just a starting place; how you feel may be a word that’s not on this list. That’s OK. Use what works for you!

I feel surprised when I see how many feeling words I found, because on my first pass I only came up with 18.

Abandoned Absorbed Accepting Admiring
Adoring Affectionate Affirmative Affronted
Afraid Aggravated Agitated Alarmed
Amazed Ambitious Amorous Angry
Annoyed Anxious Apathetic Apprehensive
Ashamed Attracted Awed Besmirched
Bewildered Bitter Bleak Blissful
Bored Bothered Brave Bright
Broken Buoyant Calm Capricious
Captivated Carefree Caring Cautious
Certain Changeable Cheerful Cheerless
Close Comfortable Compassionate Complacent
Concerned Confident Confused Considerate
Contemptuous Contented Converted Convinced
Corrupted Courageous Cross Cruel
Crushed Curious Cynical Damaged
Defeated Defensive Defiant Defiled
Definite Degraded Delicate Delighted
Depressed Desecrated Despairing Desperate
Despoiled Determined Devoted Dirtied
Disappointed Disbelieving Discouraged Disgraced
Disheartened Dishonoured Disillusioned Dismal
Disobedient Displeased Disregarded Distant
Distraught Distressed Distrustful Disturbed
Doubtful Dreary Dubious Dull
Eager Earnest Ecstatic Edgy
Elated Embarrassed Empowered Enchanted
Encouraged Engaged Engrossed Enraged
Enraptured Enthralled Enthusiastic Erratic
Evasive Exalted Exasperated Excited
Exhilarated Exultant Fantastic Fascinated
Fearful Festive Fouled Friendly
Frightened Frustrated Furious Glad
Gloomy Goaded Grateful Grieving
Grim Gripped Grumpy Harmed
Hateful Heartbroken Heated Held
Helpful Helpless Hesitant Hopeful
Hopeless Horrified Hostile Humble
Humiliated Hurt Hysterical Ignored
Immersed Impaired Impatient Impulsive
Incensed Inconsistent Indecisive Independent
Indifferent Indignant Infuriated Injured
Inquisitive Insecure Inspired Intent
Interested Intrigued Involved Irate
Irresolute Irritated Jealous Joyful
Joyous Jubilant Jumpy Kind
Light-hearted Livid Lonely Loving
Low Loyal Mad Marred
Mean Melancholy Mesmerized Messed up
Miserable Misunderstood Moody Mortified
Murky Nervous Obsessed Offended
Ominous Open Optimistic Outraged
Overwrought Panicked Passionate Patient
Peaceful Peeved Persuaded Perturbed
Pessimistic Petrified Pitying Playful
Pleasant Pleased Poignant Positive
Powerless Preoccupied Proud Provoked
Puzzled Raging Rancorous Rapt
Raving Regretful Rejected Relaxed
Relieved Remorseful Resentful Respectful
Ruined Sad Sanguine Satisfied
Scared Sceptical Secure Seething
Serene Shaky Shamed Shocked
Shy Soiled Sombre Sorrowful
Spellbound Spiteful Spoiled Strained
Strong Stubborn Stupid Sulky
Sullied Sure Suspicious Sympathetic
Tainted Tarnished Tender Tense
Terrified Threatened Thrilled Timid
Torn Tranquil Triumphant Troubled
Trusting Ugly Uncertain Uncomfortable
Unconvinced Understanding Undetermined Uneasy
Unforgiving Uninformed Uninviting Unnerved
Unnoticed Unpredictable Unreliable Unsure
Unwanted Upbeat Upset Vacillating
Variable Vengeful Vexed Violated
Volatile Warm Wavering Weak
Worried Wounded

3 thoughts on “List of feeling words”

  1. This is a VERY helpful list, Debby. Thanks.

    I’m one of the “some people”!

    Now I have one less excuse do to the exercises.


  2. @Alex, it is my pleasure. Out of curiosity, how many excuses remain?

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