Some people have told me it’s hard to find the word that expresses how they feel. That’s understandable, so I created a list. It’s just a starting place; how you feel may be a word that’s not on this list. That’s OK. Use what works for you!
I feel surprised when I see how many feeling words I found, because on my first pass I only came up with 18.
Abandoned | Absorbed | Accepting | Admiring |
Adoring | Affectionate | Affirmative | Affronted |
Afraid | Aggravated | Agitated | Alarmed |
Amazed | Ambitious | Amorous | Angry |
Annoyed | Anxious | Apathetic | Apprehensive |
Ashamed | Attracted | Awed | Besmirched |
Bewildered | Bitter | Bleak | Blissful |
Bored | Bothered | Brave | Bright |
Broken | Buoyant | Calm | Capricious |
Captivated | Carefree | Caring | Cautious |
Certain | Changeable | Cheerful | Cheerless |
Close | Comfortable | Compassionate | Complacent |
Concerned | Confident | Confused | Considerate |
Contemptuous | Contented | Converted | Convinced |
Corrupted | Courageous | Cross | Cruel |
Crushed | Curious | Cynical | Damaged |
Defeated | Defensive | Defiant | Defiled |
Definite | Degraded | Delicate | Delighted |
Depressed | Desecrated | Despairing | Desperate |
Despoiled | Determined | Devoted | Dirtied |
Disappointed | Disbelieving | Discouraged | Disgraced |
Disheartened | Dishonoured | Disillusioned | Dismal |
Disobedient | Displeased | Disregarded | Distant |
Distraught | Distressed | Distrustful | Disturbed |
Doubtful | Dreary | Dubious | Dull |
Eager | Earnest | Ecstatic | Edgy |
Elated | Embarrassed | Empowered | Enchanted |
Encouraged | Engaged | Engrossed | Enraged |
Enraptured | Enthralled | Enthusiastic | Erratic |
Evasive | Exalted | Exasperated | Excited |
Exhilarated | Exultant | Fantastic | Fascinated |
Fearful | Festive | Fouled | Friendly |
Frightened | Frustrated | Furious | Glad |
Gloomy | Goaded | Grateful | Grieving |
Grim | Gripped | Grumpy | Harmed |
Hateful | Heartbroken | Heated | Held |
Helpful | Helpless | Hesitant | Hopeful |
Hopeless | Horrified | Hostile | Humble |
Humiliated | Hurt | Hysterical | Ignored |
Immersed | Impaired | Impatient | Impulsive |
Incensed | Inconsistent | Indecisive | Independent |
Indifferent | Indignant | Infuriated | Injured |
Inquisitive | Insecure | Inspired | Intent |
Interested | Intrigued | Involved | Irate |
Irresolute | Irritated | Jealous | Joyful |
Joyous | Jubilant | Jumpy | Kind |
Light-hearted | Livid | Lonely | Loving |
Low | Loyal | Mad | Marred |
Mean | Melancholy | Mesmerized | Messed up |
Miserable | Misunderstood | Moody | Mortified |
Murky | Nervous | Obsessed | Offended |
Ominous | Open | Optimistic | Outraged |
Overwrought | Panicked | Passionate | Patient |
Peaceful | Peeved | Persuaded | Perturbed |
Pessimistic | Petrified | Pitying | Playful |
Pleasant | Pleased | Poignant | Positive |
Powerless | Preoccupied | Proud | Provoked |
Puzzled | Raging | Rancorous | Rapt |
Raving | Regretful | Rejected | Relaxed |
Relieved | Remorseful | Resentful | Respectful |
Ruined | Sad | Sanguine | Satisfied |
Scared | Sceptical | Secure | Seething |
Serene | Shaky | Shamed | Shocked |
Shy | Soiled | Sombre | Sorrowful |
Spellbound | Spiteful | Spoiled | Strained |
Strong | Stubborn | Stupid | Sulky |
Sullied | Sure | Suspicious | Sympathetic |
Tainted | Tarnished | Tender | Tense |
Terrified | Threatened | Thrilled | Timid |
Torn | Tranquil | Triumphant | Troubled |
Trusting | Ugly | Uncertain | Uncomfortable |
Unconvinced | Understanding | Undetermined | Uneasy |
Unforgiving | Uninformed | Uninviting | Unnerved |
Unnoticed | Unpredictable | Unreliable | Unsure |
Unwanted | Upbeat | Upset | Vacillating |
Variable | Vengeful | Vexed | Violated |
Volatile | Warm | Wavering | Weak |
Worried | Wounded |
This is a VERY helpful list, Debby. Thanks.
I’m one of the “some people”!
Now I have one less excuse do to the exercises.
@Alex, it is my pleasure. Out of curiosity, how many excuses remain?