Clear-out – Day 4

I love watching television. I especially like to watch an entire new season of a series, one episode right after the other. Right now I’m in season 2 of Ghost Whisperer.

In the spring, while DH was away, I was watching Season 1 of House (don’t you love to hate him?). The TV went off, and got sort of hung up and I had to leave it for awhile to let it rest before it would re-boot. (You can tell from this that I have extensive technical knowledge of how televisions work.) I had DH do the research to find the best TV for the best price (yes, while he was still gone), and went out and got a new one, which DH installed as soon as he got back.

The old one still had some life in it, so we decided to Freecycle it. Of course, it sat around in our already over-loaded house, until its number came up in the Great Autumn Clear-Out.

Its number came up today.

DH wrote the ad for me, and I posted it on Freecycle. I got the first reply within 30 seconds! Over the next 15 minutes I got 23 replies. Some of them even after I’d posted on Freecycle: Taken! The young man came right over to get it.

So, one more space-taker-upper is gone from our house.

Small and steady steps win the race.

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