I love charity bags. Here in the UK, people drop off plastic pags at your door, with a day marked when they will come back around to collect. The word might be out by now that I’m having a clear-out, AND that I’ve lost quite a bit of weight and am donating old clothes.
The NSPCC (Nat’l Soc for Prevention of Cruelty to Children) just got some Nike Air trainers, pretty purple jumpers (sweaters), some long-sleeved tops and a knitted hat.
In compensation, my LandeEnd order just arrived, with two noew pairs of trousers, 2 tops and a yummy coral jumper.
I forgot to take pictures of all this.
Oh Debby – I wish you had started this 2 or even 3 months earlier, then we could have held each others’ hands during the whole traumatic process! Not that I have really finished… just kidding myself.
BTW – I don’t trust charity bags. I insist on driving the stuff to the charity shops. I also have to take specific stuff to specific shops. And gift aid it all!!
If you’re not done with it yet (the clearing out), we could still hold hands.
RE: charity bags. It’s a funny thing I figured out about myself a few years back. After I make the gift, I’m unattached to what happens to it. Once there was a beggar in a car park, and I gave him my spare cash. My friend was horrified! “Don’t you know he’ll just use it for booze?” That gave me food for thought, and I realised that, for ME, the attachment to it ceased when I gave it away. What they do with the gift is their karma, their choice and consequence. I guess I feel the same way about charity bags. Whoever gets it, may it bring them happiness.
That is true about the attachment once its gone. I just get hung up on maximising the income for the charity. So I don’t give books to xxx charity shop because they sell them at 3 for £1 – I take them to yyy where they sell them for £1.50 each.
Also I don’t like so called charity bags where the collection company sells the stuff on in bulk and then gives a tiny amount to the charity. Then mostly they don’t collect from our house – so it is usually easier to bin the bag, and take stuff to the shop myself.