To the Opportunist, everything is about getting personal advantage and winning. The Opportunist makes things and people work by unilateral manipulation, or by getting the most personally advantageous trade -off possible.
The Opportunist views the world as “Me against Them”, and the and the main thing is to not get caught
The Opportunist can only view a short term horizon, and gives little or no thought to longer term consequences, or how his actions today affect other’s impressions of him or even his own success over the longer term.
The Opportunist values only short term, visible, costs and benefits: this week’s sales figures, or the best parking space, or the photo with the powerful leader. Luck plays a big part in success.
The Opportunist plays his hand close to his chest, because that’s the way he thinks others are playing.
The Opportunist might use flattery to get your help with something, or might feign sharing of his personal details to get you onside as a “friend”. But the Opportunist is no friend, and won’t hesitate to use you for his own gain.
Fortunately, Opportunists aren’t often found in positions of management. But you might have one in your workplace.
Distribution in managers: about 1%
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