
The Achiever action logic is what we in the modern, developed world consider to be the optimum level of development for successful adults. The main thing for the Achiever is passion for achieving goals. So, the corporate world of targets and bottom line results is fertile ground for the Achiever.

The Achiever helps his organization carry out their strategy. Picture a project manager, juggling various tasks, people and agendas to achieve a defined result. With his “eyes on the prize”, the Achiever will move mountains to achieve his  goal.

Where the Expert loves to dig into the details and know everything there is to know about something, the Achiever is more interested in how things are in relation to the wider environment, and relative to the desired outcome.

Where the Expert is concerned with doing things right. The Achiever is concerned with doing the right thing to get the right result. They’re probably less concerned with the approach to be used.

The Achiever focuses on cause and effect, on consequences of actions, and on outcomes.

The Achiever will seek out and welcome feedback, but only if it helps them to achieve what they have already set out to do. They don’t like to hear that they may need to reconsider goal itself.

The Achiever recognizes that people have differing points of view and unique skills. The Achiever values teamwork and making and keeping agreements as a way of managing individual differences.

The Achiever has a rational approach to life. He knows the answer is “out there” even if it isn’t yet known. Many scientists operate from the Achiever action logic.

The Achiever often feels like there’s never enough time to do the all the things he wants to do. He may think that he’s taken on too much to fit into his available time. The Achiever often has a system for managing his time so that they can try to fit more of the important things into their life. It may be a priority to the Achiever that he balance his work life  and private life.

In the general population, we find that  about 35% of adults are at the Achiever action logic.

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