Clear-Out – Day 1

Time to begin! I’ve made a list of every place in the house that needs my attention, and there are about 80 things there. I have 120 days or so, less a few when I’m away, so that’s probably doable. What do you think?

The Lib Dem Bazaar is in December, and I plan to complete this by 1 Dec, so they’ll be smiling when they see my donations coming in!

Here’s a sample of the list I made:

I entered all the tasks into an Excel spreadsheet so I can attach Do-Dates to each one. I tried to keep each task to something that can be done in under an hour. I plan to do one each day. We’ll see how that goes.

Some tasks are going to be troublesome. We have a few boxes full of books that we somehow haven’t been able to get rid of. The very fact that they’re in boxes rather than on the shelves means we haven’t referred to them in quite awhile, and we didn’t expect to want to get to them anytime soon. But when it actually comes down to putting them in a bag and taking them to Oxfam, well, that might be a different story.

Dave and I have very good intentions!

One thought on “Clear-Out – Day 1”

  1. Books are the hardest. I can load them up and take them to half-price where they will give me a dime for each, put them up for sale on the internet which takes so long and is so much of a hassle, or just give up and put them on the curb and hope someone picks them up before the trashmen come.

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