Today I removed all the cleaning products tucked into various corners of the bathroom floor. I hadn’t used some of them in years. Not that I haven’t cleaned the bathroom in years – eeuuw – but I bought all these products guaranteed to fight soap-scum, mould and mildew, and never found anything that worked any better than plain old Cillit Bang, which I’ve kept.
I’ve engaged DH for some tasks this weekend. He strongly prefers just to do as he’s told. Also, he prefers not to be put in a situation where he has to make any decisions about whether to keep something or let it go. (In the Myers Briggs world, he’s INTP. The P is the problem in making decisions. He likes to keep his options open, so holds onto everything.)
Nothing looks cleared out yet. Removing Nanna’s cupboard yesterday and the orts on the floor today has only exposed more peeling wallpape, spider webs and dirty baseboards. But things have to get worse before they get better.
That’s all for today.