Clear-out – Day 11

All gone!CD’s are done! Well, as good as. dh has a collection in his office that he’s agreed to cull this week.

More than half the CDs got an offer from MusicMagpie, and the really great thing is that because I had more than 50, they’ll provide a free courier pick-up. I pack and use their label, and arrange a time for the package to be picked up. Total take (without dh’s additions): more than £92. Some were rejected: no one wants Dido, Elton John or Robbie Williams. But Jennifer Warnes, Steven Halpern and Styx were hot!

So, the empties. For the two smaller racks, I think I’ll post them on Freecycle.

I sort of actually like the larger one, but I haven’t found a use for it yet. DVDs only fit on their sides, and not all DVDs have labelling on their sides. Anyone have any ideas?

I’m going to be away for a few days from Saturday, so the last two tasks will wait unitl next week: send the package to MusicMagpie, and take the others to a charity shop.

Now — what’s next?

One thought on “Clear-out – Day 11”

  1. I am very impressed that you are throwing CDs OUT – ours are all thrown/stacked into a plastic box under the stairs. Just in case itunes lets us down…
    Eldest son’s bedroom has a huge collection of empty CD cases; we have thrown out the broken ones, but not the rest – in case the disc ever turns up!

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