Clear-out – Day 12

I decided to give myself a break. Any day that I work on The Great Clear-out I now count as the next day. So even though there have been a few (quite a few, really) days between my last post and this one, today I’m making forward progress, so it counts as the next day. I think that’s a generous and helpful outlook.

Today the courier is due to pick up the boxes of CDs and DVDs that we’ve sold to MusicMagpie. Each box is properly  inventoried, boxed and labelled, waiting by the front door, ready for pickup.

Also ready to go out the door, lots of books for Oxfam, which I have to courier into town myself.

Also gone: old frying pans, bits of hardware no one recognised, and a japanese print cloth that we’ve kept for years and have no idea where it came from (well, probably Japan, at some point).

I took a few days off this week to attend the Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference in Birmingham. This was my first conference, and definitely won’t be my last. I found it uplifiting, and downright inspirational that there are so many people in this country for whom fairness, human rights, and a commitment to do everything in their power to life children out of the trap of poverty are HUGE, TOP priorities. I feel proud to be a Liberal Democrat.

Anyway, in the run-up to conference, and during it, I lost my clearing-out mojo. In order to grab it again, I’ve asked for support, read blogs of master clearer-outers and talked to my friends and family about their methods and outcomes. I don’t know if Mr Mojo will move on again, but for today, it’s here. The Great Clear Out continues…

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